Waiting for Logan Grace

Waiting for Logan Grace

Monday, April 7, 2014

A New Chapter

We have a running joke in our family that we could have our own reality show. It is pure chaos...not exaggerating one little bit. If we aren't going at Mach speed every. single. day. something is wrong. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my crazy life!  I love being a mother and a wife. My one goal in life was to be a mother. I always knew I would have a house full of kids. But for some reason we stopped with three. Tubes Tied. Book closed. That ship sailed. I could have lived out the rest of my life content and happy with my three little blessings....or so I thought!

The older I get the closer I get to God. The closer I get to God the more I see him working in me. I can honestly say that adoption, at least international adoption, had never ever crossed my radar. Yet, at different times in my teaching career I have toyed with the idea of bringing home this child or that. I would come home and poor my heart out about the situations some of these children were in. We both agreed that our family had a lot to offer but it never went further than that.

Well, God just kept doing his thing. He worked in all of us exposing us to this person or that situation or this book or that website softening our hearts to the cause of the least of these, the fatherless. He created in us a desire to step out on faith and a desire for obedience. For his word commands that "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world," James 1:27. So that is what we are going to do. We are going to 'look after' Logan Grace' Can Story. We are going to teach her what it means to belong to a family. We are going to teach her about Jesus so that she has a hope and future.

So, while I treasure and have loved every minute of the previous chapters of our story I can't wait to see what happens next.


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