Waiting for Logan Grace

Waiting for Logan Grace

Saturday, June 21, 2014

China day three

Today we visited the Great Wall. I was impressed with its vastness but the overall experience of the climb just wasn't what I had envisioned. It was really hard, and there were many people of all nationalities. Luckily the weather was great. It was cooler than in the city because we were in the mountains. It even sprinkled a little. Despite the cooler temps we still could almost ring water out of our clothing when we were finished. Craig was determined to make it to the top. I, on the other hand, would have been content to turn back at the first station. But we continued to climb until I literally could not go any further. I waited while finished and then we descended together. Going down was much harder than going up. Our legs were shaking like crazy!

After the wall we went to a restraunt above a copper enamel factory. I did not realize the detail that goes into each piece. We bought a bell with pandas on it for the Christmas tree. The food was fair. We were hungry so I ate. We then drove back to the hotel. We passed by Olympic park on the way. It was amazing. The guide said it took 7 years to prepare for. The buildings were very unique.

I was beat when we arrived back at the hotel. Our intention was to search out Pizza Hut for supper but we ended up sleeping all evening and now have our internal clocks messed up again! It us 11:30 pm here and we have to be ready to depart for the airport at 6 am in the morning. We will be flying to Zengzhou (not sure of spelling). We are so close to Logan Grace day! Crazy stuff! Keep up the prayers especially for the kiddos at hOme. They are really missing us. The grandparents have there hands full.

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